Subject: You're scared 💩-less* aren't you?


You're scared 💩-less* aren't you?


The only reason you haven't done all the things you said you would, is because you're scared.

Today I read a quote...

"Poverty is a symptom of cowardice and vice versa."

So success is a symptom of bravery.

Why haven't you invested in that course?

Why haven't you completed the training?

Why haven't you taken action on the lessons?

Why haven't you recorded that marketing video?

Why haven't you reached out to that prospect?

Why haven't you set up your sales funnel?

Why haven't you posted on social media talking about your business?

I could keep going.

You may come up with all the excuses under the sun.

I haven't got time. I don't know how. I feel ill. My dog ate the course...

All bull shyt.

The truth is, you're being a coward.

You and I both know it.

Accept it, confront it and let's do something about it.

Without fear, there is no bravery.

The difference between the brave man and the coward is the coward allowed the fear to beat him. The brave man acted despite his fear.

Rebel against the fear.

Act now.

CLICK HERE and watch this video.

Join me on a journey of digi-preneurship and freedom.

See you there.

