Subject: You're lost aren't ya?

Where you going?

You're lost, aren't you?

It amazes me how most people go through life with no goal or plan of how to get there.

They stumble from one job to the next, waiting for the weekend or there one holiday for the year.

Then re-live that cycle until they safely make it to death.

I don't know about you but that sounds like 80+ years of torture.

Has life beaten the energy out of you that all you can focus on is what is happening on the News, social media and reality TV?

What about your reality what are you doing about it?

Stop being distracted by mind-numbing mental junk food and take a hard look at your life.

Are you going in the direction you want to?

If nothing were to change and you continued as you are, will you be happy where you end up in 10 years' time?

If not then you need to get a written goal in place and a plan of how to get there.

I've said this before but take some time to dream and have fun.

Take out a pen and paper or open up a blank Word doc on your computer and let your imagination run wild.

Write out your perfect day.

This perfect day will be on repeat. When you go to sleep and wake up again the day will restart just like the day before.

This thought experiment forces you to really think about the ideal day. It exposes what is really important to you.

Make it as detailed as possible.

What time would you wake up, where would you live, what do you hear, what do you smell, what do you eat, who do you see, what do you do for work, what do you do for fun, what car do you drive? etc.

Use this to decide on the top 3 goals you would want to accomplish in one year to take you a step closer to that vision.

Then break each one of those goals into 3 daily habits that will take you a step closer each day to accomplishing said goal.

For example, if your goal is to write a book.

One of your 3 daily habits could be to write 500+ words each day.

In a year's time, you'll definitely have a book written.

Spend some time today and give this a try.

3 goals.

3 daily habits for each goal.

You'll be ahead of 95% of people who are going with the flow of life like a dead fish ending up wherever they end up.

And if by any chance building a successful online business that gives you the freedom to spend your days how you choose is one of your goals...

Then THIS TRAINING HERE! Is exactly what you need.

Any questions?

Give me a shout.

Be rebellious,

