Subject: You can't be sad if you do this

For a few moments put whatever hardship you're going through to the side.

And think of 3 things you're grateful for.

Yeah, I'm getting hippy on you.

Embrace it!

The 3 things don't need to be grandiose or extravagant. Mundane will do just fine.

Let me list some that may apply to you.

"I'm grateful I..."

  • Woke up this morning

  • Have a roof over my head

  • Have my health

  • Have food to eat

  • Live in a time when I can transform my life and make a living using the internet

  • Joined Jouvan's email list so he can show me how

Now don't be lazy and use mine.

Think about 3 additional things you can be grateful for right now.

And actually feel the gratitude down to your soul. Feel it, enjoy it and savour it.

"I'm grateful I..."




It's hard to feel like crap when you're in a state of genuine gratitude.

Take the time to think of 3 things each morning and you will start each day in a little bit of a better mood.

Switch "I have to get up now" with "I GET to get up".

Not everyone woke up this morning.

Gratitude baby.

Have an amazing rest of your day.

Stay rebellious,


PS - I'm grateful that there is a technology that allows me to put a link right here that you can click that'll take you to a video where you can learn about how I run my business.

And how you can copy my process.

Pretty cool huh?
