Subject: Yep! That's a nugget of shyt on the floor 🀢

The subject line explains entrepreneurial parenthood to a Tee.

I sat down to write this email, then suddenly my 2-year-old goes quiet.

I look over. He's no longer playing with his toys, his body's gone rigid and has a deer in the headlights look on his face.

These are the tell-tale signs that a hot steamy turd is about to evacuate his colon and squelch snuggly into his nappy, smearing itself all over his butt cheeks.

To avoid the imminent bottom half mud bath.

I quickly ask...

"Kingsley, do you need a poo-poo?"

Knowing full well he does.

Thankfully he admits that shyt is about to go down. (However not in those exact words).

I quickly whisk him up and take him to the toilet where his little kiddie seat attachment waits. I take down his nappy and trousers in one fell swoop because times not on our side.

Then we wait...

And boy oh boy did he let rip! I don't know where he stores it all.

In his own words, he said...

"Massive poo-poo".

Yes my son, yes, that was truly a massive poo-poo.

I clean him up and then let him run off to play.

That's when I noticed a small nugget of brown on the toilet floor. It was about the size of a teaspoon of chocolate fudge with a similar consistency. Not too hard but also not too soft.

I know because I had to pick it up.

However, it had a very different smell.

But when did this nugget appear? Was it when I pulled off the nappy? Was it already in there waiting to break free? Was it after I thought he had finished and taken him off the toilet?

When was it?

It's a mystery I may never know the answer to. If you have any theories please feel free to share.

Anyway, that was a morning in the life of a stay-at-home entrepreneurial dad.

Not as glamourous as the Youtubers you may come across but I wouldn't have it any other way.

I get to choose my hours, my days, and how much I want to work.

I have total freedom and autonomy over my life and time.

Even if that means I play about in my son's poo-poo's once in a while.

It's still my choice.

If you want to be able to choose your destiny rather than having someone else choose it for you. Someone else setting your schedule and controlling your life.

If you want to take back control then check out the link below for full details on how.

Stay rebellious,

Jouvan "shitty fingers" Johnson
