Subject: Would you say you're disciplined?

I heard a quote the other day, that has stuck with me.

It has made me think about discipline a little differently. Normally I would think of having discipline as a difficult thing. Something I would have to grind and graft to maintain but this quote switched that for me.

The quote was simply...

"Discipline is remembering what you really want."

It's straightforward and embodies exactly what discipline should be. Not this horrible thing that robs you of the joys of life. In fact, it's the exact opposite, it's the thing that can give you the real joy and satisfaction you REALLY want.

Do you want an online business that gives you freedom?

Are you doing what needs to be done daily to accomplish that goal?

Or are you making excuses? Wasting 6 hours a day on your phone scrolling social media and then saying you don't have time? Seriously check your phone's screen time.

Do it now, I know your phone is either in your hand as you read this or is in arms reach.

You may be shocked how much could you get done if you dropped just 2 hours of screen time and replaced it with pursuing a goal each day? Just imagine what you could accomplish. How would your life change?

"Discipline is remembering what you really want."

What do you REALLY want?

To spend 6 hours a day in the scroll hole of social media comparing your life to others? Being forced to do work that drains you instead of energises you? Or living life on your terms?

If you want the latter, then my Replace Your Wage Coaching Program could be the ticket you're looking for.

Get all the details by CLICKING HERE and I will see you on the inside.

Stay rebellious,

