Subject: Why my poo don't stink

So this morning I was thinking about you on the toilet...

Well not about you being on the toilet, but instead I was on the toilet while thinking about you...

Either way, it doesn't sound great does it...

Anyway, have you ever noticed that while you're in the bathroom handling your bizness most of the time you can't smell a thing?

But after you've finished, washed your hands, and come back even 5 minutes later you're immediately assaulted in the face by the wretched stench of your own human waste?

Well, it happened to me and it reminded me of the attitudes of some people trying to build a side business online.

They stink (not them as far as I know, their attitudes do)

They get their hands on a proven-to-work system, half-ass it and do not get the results they expected then blame the product creator.

The reason they act like this is because they've been stuck in their own filth-filled air breathing it in for years.

They haven't ever noticed their attitude is rancid to vomit-inducing levels.

They just need to follow this simple solution for a cure...

Just like after you finish your doo doo, you wipe your ass thoroughly (I hope), wash your hands, spray some air freshener then leave.

They should do a version of that. (Or you can do a version of this if this is you).

Stop what you're currently doing and take the time to look around.

What are successful people doing?

Are they trying something for a few days, then quitting as soon as they hit a challenge? Then moving on to the next shiny bizness opportunity?...

Are they bytching & moaning blaming others for their failures OR are they taking responsibility for their lives and having a no-quit attitude?

Come on you're smart...

Take a look at yourself, are you behaving like a successful person or are you going with the flow like a dead fish with no vision, purpose, or plan to realise your goals?

If you've come to the realisation that you're not acting in a way that'll lead to success.

That means you can finally smell yourself and now it's down to you to change.

I can give you a proven plan but at the end of the day, you need to make it work.

Take a big lung full of your doo doo scent then get some air freshener and make today your restart day.

Let's finally start getting the results you deserve.

Head over to...

Join today and let me help you get rid of the scent.

Any questions? Just shoot.

Stay rebellious,

