Subject: Why do you get up in the morning?

Do you even know why you get up?

If your answer is...

"Because I have to go to work"

Then answer me this...

"Why do you work?"

If your reply's...

"Cause I have bills to pay"

Then I ask...

"Are you just existing through life stumbling out of bed to pay bills until you whither away and die?"

That sounds like a shit way to live your life to me.

Don't you feel like there's more to life than you're currently experiencing?

Don't you believe there is more for you than you are currently getting?

I believe there is.

And the good news is that you hold the power to change your experience starting today.

You first need to know what it is you actually want.

Do this quick exercise.

Ask yourself this question…

“If money were no object, if absolutely nothing in the universe could prevent my success, and all I have to do is point my right index finger to the sky one time to receive my Intention instantly, what is it I really want?”

Lie back and let your mind wander. Let my imagination sore.

Don't get caught up in your current perceived limitations. Have fun, and daydream like a child.

Currently, we're just playing make-believe.

You haven't forgotten how to play right?

Now write it all down.

Now you know what you truly want, the next step is to start making a plan to get there.

Not as easy as it sounds but I may be able to help with some aspects of it.

Via my Replace Your Wage training program.

Click the link above to check it out.

Stay rebellious,

