Subject: Why aren't you pissed off?

Every day that passes is another day taken from your life.

Every day you say, "I'll start tomorrow".

Every time you say "I'll do it later".

Is your life being taken from you.

Every day that passes is another day that you're not living out your dreams or going after your goals.

Every moment you waste is another moment the grim reaper has taken from you.

Can you wholeheartedly say the life you're currently living is all you're capable of?

If not...

Then why the heck are you not pissed off?

Where is the urgency?

Get busy, make mistakes, be fearless.

F@*k what others think!

This is YOUR life and only you can live it.

This is the real deal, there is no do over and this is not the practice round.

All we have is NOW!

What are you going to do with your now?

I know I'm pissed off, I know I'm angry and it's a beautiful emotion because there is power and force behind it.

Get angry, get pissed off and use that as the driving force to go after your goals, stop playing not to lose. Instead, go play to win

Be fearless, be rebellious!

Stop with the excuses.

Rant over.


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