Subject: Why Being Rong Is The New Write

"I'm never wrong! One time, I thought I was wrong, but I was mistaken!"

Shyt joke I know (hangs head in shame)

But today I want to look at why your fear of being wrong and wanting perfection is killing your bizness...

I see it everyday people don't want to get started unless they have the perfect training, the perfect product, the perfect logo, the perfect bizness plan, the perfect funnel, and so on

But the truth is the circumstances are NEVER going to be perfect

You just have to get going.

It's just like running you're not perfectly balanced, you have to lean forward (aka off balance) to get moving

The better analogy I told my girlfriend (now fiancé) when we were starting her beauty business, was that an airplane is off-target 99% of the time

Yeah, 99%... Like damn it's a miracle we ever make it to our destination but we do.

The job of the pilot and the avionics is to constantly bring the plane back on target (nudge it in the right direction)

So when we were getting ready to set up shop

She wanted to have everything just perfect come launch day, all the tools she "might" need, every nail polish under the sun, the perfect wallpaper, all the wall art, every qualification known to (wo)man

But to have all that we would need a massive budget and it would delay our launch date by months.

That's when I told her the airplane story and that we should start where we stand and get moving now.

Get the bizness earning some money and then over time we will have everything in place and know better what we would actually need

Even though reluctantly at first, she agreed

So we got the bizness going much faster and she quickly realised we didn't need half the things she thought we did.

The bizness grew organically and very fast but most importantly we were in profit much sooner and used that profit to reinvest back into the bizness

We grew it to exactly where we wanted and couldn't have been happier

The reason I tell you this story is because I have a strong feeling you may be waiting for perfection before you pull the trigger on your project

I'm here to tell you that perfection is never coming

Start where you stand and fail forward... be progressing continually

You WILL make mistakes, you will hit hurdles, you will be off course 99% of the time but like a jumbo jet you will get to your destination if you just make tweaks and consistently move in the right direction

That being said...

If you want a proven system to get your online bizness moving in the right direction...

Head over to the link below and follow the instructions:

I'll see you on the inside

That's Jouvan Johnson signing out.

Until next time,
