Subject: "Where the hell have you been?"

I've been AWOL.

(Absent without leave).

I don't have a great reason as to why.

Other than the fact I've been focusing on getting married, getting our head around homeschooling our son and trying to stay sane while building a business.

And boy oh boy has it been a journey.

But now that I'm a married man and no longer planning an extravagant wedding. I can lock in on our goals and get back to focused work.

The great thing about designing our life is that we genuinely love what it is we do.

We have been excited to get to work, set new goals and smash them.

Being a Digi-preneur has been a dream come true.

I only work on what excites me and every day can be different if I want it to be. No asking for permission to do anything.

I'm the boss, the captain of my ship, the leader of my destiny.

Freedom is a major driver for me.

I want to do what I want when I want with whomever I want.

If you're reading this email, chances are you like the idea of that too.

If so...

Click here and read this page.

It outlines how you could set up your own freedom business in less than 72 hours.

The reason you can do it so quickly is that you can clone a proven system.

Check it out by CLICK HERE NOW.

Stay rebellious,

Jouvan "ready to smash new goals" Johnson
