Subject: Where the F are you going?

Do you even know?

If you don't know where you're going how will you know when/if you arrive?

I'll bet money that you don't arrive at all.

If you've set goals like:

  • I want to make more money

  • I want to lose weight

  • I want a better relationship with my family

You're on the fast track to getting non of those.

Give me specifics.

  • How much extra do you want to make?

  • How much weight do you want to lose? Do you even actually want to lose weight or do you want to lose fat? (There's a difference).

  • What does a better relationship with your family actually look like?

Get your SMART goals in order.

  • Specific - Clearly stated, so anyone reading it can understand, what will be done and who will do it.

  • Measurable - Includes how the action will be measured

  • Achievable - Realistic given the realities faced. Skillset, knowledge, opportunity etc

  • Relevant - Should align with values and long-term vision

  • Time-bound - Has a specific timeline for completion

"I'm so happy and grateful that by April 31st my online business is making $1,000 per month through the sales of affiliate products that I promote via my growing email list."

Create some anti-goals.

"I spend no longer than 2 hours a night on my business to achieve my goal."

It would be shit if when you hit your goal you hate the life you created.

Some people made goals to be rich and accomplished it but were not specific in what they didn't want to happen. They became fat & unhealthy and ruined their marriage and relationship with their family.

An anti-goal for me would be having to do sales calls all day or work to a rigid schedule that someone else controls.

I like freedom baby.

Now you have all that. Make a specific plan of how to get there, then execute your ass off.

Get to work. Work the plan.

If you need a plan to run a freedom business like I do, then CLICK HERE for the lowdown.

Get a headstart on the week.

Stop wasting time.

Any questions?

Hollar at your boy.


>> Here's that link one more time!
