Subject: Where dreams go to get killed

I hate this place.

I'm always trying my best to break free from it, but it's so hard sometimes.

If you're honest with yourself you're probably right here too without even knowing it.

It's warm, it's cozy, it feels safe, and you feel secure here.

But the problem is. This is the place ALL dreams get brutally murdered with no regard.

What's the name of this place?

Did you guess it?...

It's your comfort zone!

Trust me. It's a trap!

Your comfort zone stops you from taking risks, you won't start that business, you won't pursue that relationship, and you won't do that uncomfortable thing that will improve your life.

You're too comfortable where you currently are.

Growth and success are just outside of your comfort zone.

When you start to feel uncomfortable or you're putting something off that you know you should be doing, then chances are you're on the right track and you should dive in.

It can affect many areas of your life.

I'm currently battling to break free from another layer of my comfort zone.

I want to re-launch my Youtube Channel but I keep making excuses as to why I haven't yet.

Be careful of the excuses your mind tells you. Your brain can be VERY convincing and all your excuses will sound valid and justified. But the reality is that all they really are is EXCUSES.

I won't even bore you with mine.

I understand that deep down they're just bullshyt.

All that matters is that I know it will be beneficial to my business and personal life to develop a YouTube channel. 

How you may ask.

Well improving my "public" speaking ability and building a personal brand will benefit me for many years to come by growing my network, my influence and attention is a major currency in today's world.

So this is me smashing through another layer of my comfort zone by telling you this and holding myself accountable.

Think about how you could do this in your own life.

Hit reply on this email and let me know what you've been putting off. I'll hold you accountable to smash through another layer of your comfort zone.

Life is like a game.

There's always another layer to break through, another skill to collect, another level to conquer.

Go as far as you can and enjoy the journey.

Stay rebellious,


PS - If you want to hold me accountable by subscribing to my YouTube channel, you can by CLICKING HERE!
