Subject: Whats that clickity clack?

Surround yourself with better people.

We all know the saying that you are the average of the 5 people you surround yourself with but rarely do we actually put that into practice.

The reason I bring this up is because I was up and productive this morning.

I did Yoga, drank loads of water, and did some mindfulness practice.

But when I sat down to write this email I was drawing a blank.

Then my Fiance bowls into the office all sleepy because she had a horrible night's sleep and sits down at her laptop.

Within no time I hear...

"Clickity clackety click click clack"

She's noisy at the best of times but she just came in still half asleep and already down to work writing a great email to our audience for our niche website.

That instantly made me think...

"What the hell are you doing Jouvan? Start writing"

And the seedling of this email was planted in my mind.

We get a little competitive in this household and constantly push each other. Sometimes without even knowing it.

You can't have my fiance but I urge you to find a way to surround yourself with people that push you to grow.

Even if that is just virtually.

You and I can connect and start changing your life today. But you need to take action and do the work.

What work? THIS WORK.

Stay rebellious,

