Subject: What does your dream life look like?

I'm going to make this quick.

Not for any particular reason other than I just had a coffee and I really need a (as my son would say) poo-poos.

Oh, wait...

Nope, I can't hold it, I'm going to have to take you with me.

One moment...


OK, I've sat down!

As I was saying... Have you thought about what your dream life would look like?

Not just said, "I wAnT mOrE mOnEy".

That's too shallow.

Gone deeper, and actually thought about what your day-to-day life would look like, down to the mundane.

When would you wake up, what would you have for breakfast, who would you speak to, what would you do for work, who would you see, what do you drive, what would you watch on TV, etc.

I once did a little exercise that was very eye-opening and I suggest you take some time and give it a try.

Here's what you do.

Imagine you could only live one day of your life on repeat forever.

But you get to design the perfect day for you. Where will you live, what would you do for work, etc. All the things I outlined above.

Design your perfect day. Really put some thought into it.

Then your mission (should you choose to accept it) is to work diligently to make that day a reality.

Most people never take the time to design their life. They just go with the flow like a dead fish letting life happen to them rather than making life bend to their will.

Don't be one of those people.

I personally believe that designing a life you love and getting paid to live it, is a dream come true, and the internet can help facilitate that dream.

If you want my help with how you can earn more by working less so you have more free time to do what you actually want to do, then check out the link below.


Any questions?

Just hit reply and I'll get back to you.

Stay rebellious,

