Subject: What are you waiting for?

Sometimes you just need to get moving.

Confession time…

This email is probably more for me than it is for you, but if it relates then take it on board.

Sometimes I can be a bit of a perfectionist.

Trying to cross all my T’s and dot all my I’s before getting going. However, if I’m honest with myself, hiding behind the veil of “perfectionism” is just another form of procrastination.

The best results I've ever got is when I go balls to the wall and adjust as I go.

I think the saying goes…

“It’s easier to turn around a ship that’s already moving forward”

So if you find you’re trying to “PERFECT” everything before you take a step forward, just know that you are procrastinating.

And the person who is not even half as talented as you that is taking action, moving forward, and learning as they go is always going to beat you.

So take the leap, start that business, buy that course, connect with that person.

Just get moving.

Stay rebellious,


PS - If you want a helping hand starting a simple job replacing income online and ready to get moving forward then CLICK HERE to get all the details about my training.

If you have any questions just hit reply and I’ll get back to you.
