Subject: Today I learnt about toxic positivity

What is it?

To be honest I'm not quite sure.

In one breath I wonder if I'm a part of the new "toxic positivity" culture. Then in the other breath, I roll my eyes because it's just another BS talking point people spew on social media.

Add it to toxic masculinity, toxic feminism, toxic relationships, toxic {INSERT NEXT THING}

Is it now bad for me to look on the bright side of life?

If something goes wrong in my business should I wallow in my "failure" or look at it as a learning opportunity and grow from it.

Am I toxically positive because I look at the bright side of life?

Should I instead join the mass of people that mentally masturbate over trauma p0rn on the news, and seek validation & pity for their life's problems continually?

OK. Let's say I do that... Now what...

Where has that got me or anyone else?

Or should I celebrate the people that no matter what, try to better themself each day, try to learn, try to grow, no matter the current situation they're in?

If working on being happy, in what can sometimes be a shit world is now "toxic positivity" then I guess I am.

If you want to be toxically positive and create a life you love and get paid to live it then check out the link below:

Stay rebellious,

