Subject: This new disease is scary 😳

You might already have it and not even be aware.

It's usually asymptomatic in sufferers.

The worst part about this disease is that it doesn't kill you instead, it kills something you care about deeply.

I wasn't even aware of it until recently.

I first heard about it from the author of The 4-Hour Work Week (a great book by the way).

He said...

"Someday is a disease that will take your dreams to the grave" - Tim Ferris

How true is that?

Someday I will start that business, someday I will join the gym, someday I will stop drinking, someday I will [insert soon-to-be-forgotten goal].

"Someday" is a slow killer of your dreams.

Cure yourself of it right now and turn "someday" into "today".

You'll be thankful you did.

Another great quote I heard from the legendary marketer Dan Kennedy is.

"Money loves speed".

The quicker you get moving the quicker the income start flowing.

That being said.

Move on quickly to starting your freedom business right now by CLICKING HERE.

Don't do it someday, do it today, in fact, do it now because as Dan said.

Money loves speed.


Stay rebellious,

