Subject: This is the most pointless email you'll read today

You have been forewarned.

Don't get mad at me if you continue reading and feel like you wasted your time.

Anyway here goes...

Do you ever get those really random silly thoughts?

I do.

And today was no exception.

I was on my way home after my morning walk.

It was still pitch black out.

As I walked I saw a guy in a hoody waiting for his dog to finish pooping so he could pick it up.

I saw him bending over to grab the turd as I walked past.

Then the most random thought entered my mind.

What would I do if he hurled his dog's steamer at me and it slapped me in the back of the head?

If you were in this situation what would you do?

I'd give chase and I'm defo fighting. He's having poo for breakfast.

Anyway, I told you this would be random. But let me weave in a lesson...

This email proves two things.

First, curiosity is a great marketing tool. I told you this email would be pointless but curiosity pulled you in to read it all.

Secondly, you can turn any mundane story from your life into a marketing message or content.

You just need a little creativity.

All the best,


PS - Grab this to start building your profitable online biz before 2024 begins.

You'll be glad you did.
