Subject: They're going to kill you

After my email yesterday it prompted a scary thought that sounds like something straight out of a sci-fi movie.

But it could be our reality and how "they" (the elites) could reduce the global overpopulation problem.

So here's my thinking...

If the government wanted to reduce the world's population who would they want to get rid of?

Probably the people who don't trust the government and are defiant right?

So what would be a good way to do that?

Well, why not use the current covid situation and push a vaccine on people really hard.

Only the most defiant and rebellious people won't take it. Then in 3-5 years' time release, a Covid 'super evil variant' and everyone who had the vax will be safe but the defiant ones will suffer a painful death.

Then they could say,

"We gave them every opportunity to get protected but they chose not to".

The surviving population will look at the stupid anti-vaxxers and say

"It was their own fault, they should have got the jab."

When in fact it was an orchestrated genius plan of the evil elites.

Now the world population is down by 20% freeing up resources, reducing global warming, and all is left is the most obedient people who trust the world governments even more because they "saved their life".

Sounds like something straight out of a sci-fi film!

But it could be our reality soon, how crazy is that?

While the world is going to shyt, I'm over here launching apps and updating my site.

Let me know what you think of my new blog layout.

I'll be testing a specific blog strategy soon, in the hopes that it increases my income and I can get a bunker somewhere in the Caribbean where I can peacefully wear my foil tin hat.

I'll keep you updated on how it goes.

As always, any questions just let me know.

"Stay Rebellious" (however it may get you killed)

*Well that's awkward*

Chat soon.

