Subject: The reasons you'll fail

I always err on the side of positivity, some would say to a toxic level at times but today I want to get negative.

If you don't address these things you can almost guarantee you'll fail in whatever it is you do.

So here are just a few reasons you'll fail.

  1. Your lack of urgency. You plod along in life like you have all the time in the world. Making decisions slowly, acting slowly. Something that can be done in 2 hours of focused work you stretch out and complete in 3 weeks if you finish it at all.

  2. Procrastination. You put everything off until tomorrow, next week, payday, after this project, after you move house, when work is less busy, when you get in shape. Stop kidding yourself, you know your excuses are BS.

  3. Fear. You're terrified to make a mistake, you're scared to take any risks and you tiptoe through life hoping to safely make it to death. You're a coward! Not one person you admire is a coward so why are you being one?

  4. Lack of intention with your time. You say you have "no time" and you're "so busy" but somehow your phone says you spend 6 hours a day staring at the screen. You've watched every episode of your favourite show and you know everything going on in current affairs. Be honest with yourself you're wasting hours upon hours every day.

  5. You believe your own Bull Shyt. You believe the excuses you tell yourself. "I'm too tired after work", "I really don't have time", "I'm not good with computers" etc etc etc

  6. You want the easy path. You want everything handed to you, you don't want to do the work that is needed. Every day you choose the road of least resistance, you don't want to do anything that is hard.

  7. You lack discipline. The truth is, you know what you need to do but you would rather take the easy way out. Do you know who else would pick the easy route? Failures.

Do what is easy and your life will be hard. Do what is hard and your life will be easy.

Sometimes I write these emails for you and sometimes they're just a reminder to me.

Do whatever you want with this information.

Argue against it, learn from. I don't really care. Just know that if you're in the same situation you are in right now in 6 months' time the only person you can blame is yourself.

You probably gave into one or more of the 7 points above.

Stay rebellious,


PS - If you're done taking part in the failure games and want to start designing a life you love and get paid to live then CLICK HERE for details on how to get started.
