Subject: The problem is, you think you shouldn't have problems

I wanted to share with you an email that my fiance sent out to our beauty niche list yesterday morning.

I think it had a great message that you will benefit from, see what you think...


Morning you

I read a quote not too long ago from the legend that is Tony Robbins

He said,

'the problem is we think we aren't supposed to have problems'

It really got me thinking about business, and even of my past posts when I had a business.

Now I am not one to post pictures of myself crying on the internet (it just isn't my thing) but that doesn't mean it didn't happen when I was trying to get my salon off the ground

I am going to be totally real with you right now

I had days where I truly wondered if I'd made a huge mistake

I had days where I felt hugely overwhelmed

I messed up stock orders sometimes

I had days where I had NO clients

days where people were incredibly rude (usually because they are going through something and take it out on someone else, maybe even the person doing their nails)

I had days when I didn't feel like I knew what I was doing

days where a nail art request totally put me in a panic

days where I made 0 money

days when I just didn't feel like it (usually if I had some personal things going on)


If you are at the beginning of your journey now or have ever had any of these thoughts I want you to know that you truly are not alone...

what would be my biggest piece of advice to you?

you can mentally stop for a bit to regather your thoughts, you can set strong boundaries and stick to them, and you can 100% take a day or two off if needed


if you give up, then you'll never truly know how incredible being in this industry is

'put your handbrake on but never turn off that engine'

I think I would guarantee that every single tech you see online has experienced one of these feelings before.

problems aren't just saved for a select few, they come at all of us, but you can choose how you react to these and what your next move is going to be!


Such true words, and apply to almost anyone starting out in business not just nail techs.

Some days may be hard, you will encounter challenges, just do not turn off the engine.

Let's get started today and don't stop.

You know what to do with the link below.

See you inside.

Stay rebellious,

