Subject: The number 1 rule of business...

Sometimes we like to overcomplicate things, so instead...

Lets KISS.

Not like that, you perv.

Keep It Simple Stupid.

The number one rule in business is MONEY IN.

How the fudge are you going to get paid? Who are you going to persuade to part with their kyash and how are you going to persuade them?

Answer these questions and you'll be miles ahead of the wantrepreneur playing business.

You know the one.

The guy who hired the website designer before knowing what his "company" actually does. He's already ordered 250 business cards and keeps telling you how amazing it's "gunna be".

I've been that guy so I know.

Stop playing and let's get real.

Shut everything out, get your blinkers on and follow these steps as if your life depended on it.

(It kinda does. This is not a dress rehearsal).

On to the steps...

  1. Decide you're willing to do whatever it takes to make this work. (No more BS excuses).

  2. Watch every video in this training and take notes (Use coupon code FREEREBEL at checkout to get it FREE).

  3. Promise yourself you won't quit. You only fail when you quit.

In 90 days of consistent effort you'll be flabbergasted at how far you've come.

You got this,

