Subject:Ā The daily news is absolutely nauseating šŸ¤¢

This email will be a copy & paste from Justin Welsh a millionaire I admire for his work.

I also agree with him on this point.

Let me know what you think.


The daily news is absolutely nauseating.

- Constant negativity
- Destroying your good vibes
- Arguing with random internet strangers

What a waste.

It's up to you to curate a better ecosystem that allows you to thrive.

Here's my attack plan:

1. I unfollow all negative people on social media.

2. I don't have cable television, nor do I ever watch the news.

3. I have a Chrome extension that removes trending topics from Twitter.

4. I set a weekly game plan in action each Monday to connect with brilliant people, read good books, and listen to top podcasts.

5. Each day, I set my intentions: what do I want to accomplish? What are my anti-goals? What are my rewards?

Often people ask me:

"How do you know what's happening in the world?"

My answer:

"The world is always happening, every second."

Don't let a group of people in some back-office choose what fills your mind.

The world can be wonderful or worrisome.

Curate your best environment.

Your well-being depends on it.


Very wise words from Mr Welsh.

Instead of consuming CNN (Constant Negative News) maybe you should check out the link below and consume something that could improve your day-to-day life.

Stay rebellious,

