Subject: The 5 Steps to infopreneurdom

These 5 steps have lasted the test of time and no matter what happens in the future they will still be relevant

Whether virtual reality takes over, Facebook decides to rule the world or the internet itself ceases to exist

These 5 steps will work because they are not just limited to the interwebs.

So no more dilly dallying lets dive in...

Step 1 - Discover your niche

Pretty basic stuff but most people do it wrong.

You can search out a niche that you are passionate about or already have a skill in but the most important thing is are people already spending the munney in the niche?

Are there Amazon books, magazines, coaching programs?

Competition is your friend my friend, don't go re-inventing the wheel it already works fine

Facebook copied MySpace and made it better, Uber used a proven model and made it better, AirBnB saw what worked and made it better

If these humunggamous (large) companies have become wildly successful without re-inventing the wheel why do you want to be the crash test dummy making the never before thought of wizzbang widget

Find a market that's already spending money and offer them something better than that competition.

Step 2 - Identify a pressing problem to solve

You can't just go an create a product in the hopes people buy it

You must identify a problem people are having in the niche and are willing to spend munney for the solution

The key point here is, "willing to spend" for the solution

Step 3 - Find the solution to the problem

If you're already an expert in your field then great you know the solution

But if not don't worry it's not a big deal you just need to know enough to get the person with the problem their intended outcome

Solve one problem with one solution

Just a side note, If you read the top 5 books on a subject (Highly niche'd down subject)...

You will be more knowledgeable than 95% of the population on that subject (cool huh?)

Step 4 - Create your solution

You have identified a market (niche) you have found a problem people are having and already spending the green to solve now it's time for you to create your solution

You can create a word doc and save it as a PDF and you have your very own eBook, you can record a video using the built in web cam on your laptop, or talk into the camera on your phone

You can record audio or help people on Skype one to one

There is no point getting hung up on this, at the end of the day it is all about your customer and helping them get the result.

What will help them best and what's easiest for you. As long as you really help them solve their problem most won't care how it comes they just want the results it can bring.

Alternatively You can send them to someone else's solution as an affiliate and take a cut of the profits in commission with hardly any work on your part.

If you want to know exactly how to do that then check out the link below

Step 5 - Get it into their hands

This is where you actually get it out to the market

Driving traffic, getting leads and customer. You're now in bizness baby

Bonus step - Rinse and repeat

Create more products / solutions in other markets or in the same market, Create up-sells (If it's your own product), become an authority etc

The sky is the limit and nothing can hold you back but your desire for more.

Now obviously I cannot go into every minute detail of each step in this email but...

This training walks you step by step to getting amazing results

See ya tomoz,


PS - I love reading your replies so keep them coming


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