Subject: The #1 death bed regret

In the book,

"The Top Five Regrets of the Dying".

The #1 regret from those on their deathbeds was that they wished they'd had the courage to live lives true to themselves.

Instead of the lives others expected of them.

Let that sink in.

These are not philosopher.

These are ordinary everyday people.

Who are knocking at deaths door and their number one regret was that they didn't live life on their own terms.

They did not go after that dream, they did not take that adventure, they did not pursue that true love.

And now time has run out.

Don't let this be you.

Quit your people pleasing tendencies.

Be an Educated Rebel.

Key word being REBEL.

This life you're living is not a practice run. There are no do-overs. Even if you believe in re-incarnation your memories won't be there and you may come back as a rat or cockroach.

Time is our most valuable resource.

It's always going whether you like it or not. No matter how rich you are you can't buy more and when it's gone it's gone for good.

Use it wisely.

Follow that dream, follow that passion and give it your all.

It won't be easy but it will be worth it.

Don't have regrets on your deathbed.

Be rebellious,


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