Subject: Switch have to get.

What the hell does, "switch have to get" mean Jouvan?

To better explain let me tell you a quick story.

I've been on a roll recently.

My morning routine has been on point.

Get up, brush teeth, meditate, stretch, journal, look over weekly and daily objectives, email you, then work on a new skill i'm aquiring.

All before 7:30 am.

It set's me up perfectly to dominate the day. I'm already on a winning streak and want to continue that as the day goes on.

But today my son had other plans.

I had just opened my laptop to journal.

Side note: I know I sound like a propper little hippy but there are major practical benefits I've found for creaors like us.

I didn't even get to log into my computer before the real boss of the house (my 4 year old) ran in.

He usually wakes up around 7:30 which gives me more than enough time, but he was an hour early today.

At first I was frustrated because I knew I wouldn't be able to complete my routine and thought.

"I have to go settle my son because I can tell he is still sleepy"

But on further reflection. I'm in a very priviledged situation.

"I GET TO go settle my son, and snuggle with him until he falls back asleep".

I have no boss to answer to, no commute (other than across the landing to the next room) and no clients to answer to.

I'm free!

I have a lot to be grateful for.

What in your life could you switch "have to" to "get to".

"I have to make dinner for my family" to "I get to make dinner for my family."

"I have to work out" to "I get to work out"

"I have to work on my side business" to "I get to work on my side business"

Just that little word change can be transformational to your mindset.

You got's this,


PS - If you want to start creating the freedom for yourself that I have created for my family and me then let's get serious and WATCH THIS FREE TRAINING.

Any questions, just give me a shout.
