Subject: Story time 📖

Quick story time from my Fiancé.

Below is an excerpt from an email sent to our subscribers for our membership site.

It's a story from when we were launching her salon and she drops so wisdom on your dome.


As nail technicians, I think we are perfectionists and I think that is a wonderful thing and important.... the attention to detail... getting the enhancement just so, getting that smile line crisp

But if striving for perfection constantly makes you stop in your tracks, freeze, and not know what to do next..... then that's not great...

I remember when I first opened my salon and I wanted everything perfect...

I'd seen this crazy expensive chair I wanted... I'd thought of each little detail and was in a bit of a panic trying to sort and afford everything before the open date

Jouvan said something that stuck with me

Don't stand in your own way because you're striving for complete perfection... it's more important that you just go for it, get things done, and open shop..... you can build on 'perfect' as you go

He was right... the main part was that I opened, that I kept moving forward, that I kept promo up, that I kept pushing forward and creating, that I stayed CONSISTENT

Sometimes striving for perfection can stop you in your tracks and make you take your eye off the ball


The cheek of her saying "He was right". I KNOW I was right, that's why I said what I said lol


There were some gems in there if you pay attention. Do what you will with that nugget but if you want to come on a journey with me.

Stroke the link below and I'll see you in the video

Stay rebellious,

