Subject: [Story Time] - I got beat up bad

My fiancé and I recently beat "the Vid" aka SARS-CoV-2.

It was brutal.

It didn't feel like I had a cold or flu, it felt like a man-made virus was beating the living shyt out of me from the inside.

Mr. Vid was in there squeezing the crap out of my lungs making it hard to breathe, taking a hammer to my brain (giving a whole new meaning to a banging headache), a chisel to my joints, electric prongs to my muscles and so much more.

It wasn't fun.

We were wiped out for about 14 days. Now my little younger (he's not so little anymore) brother has recently got it again for the second time.

Meaning we won't be seeing him for Christmas.

All these signs and hints from our friends that watch the news is telling me another lockdown is coming.

I'm feeling a little... Nope a lottle déjà vu.

We've been here before.

How many people lost their jobs during the last lockdown?

If you haven't yet, I suggest you start putting things in place so you're prepared to weather the potential storm that's coming.

I chose to build an online business so no boss could lower my pay or worse let me go because they couldn't afford me anymore.

Instead, I decided to be my own boss, give myself a pay-rise and quit my day job.

I suggest you start thinking about ways to strengthen your income with multiple streams, that can't be affected by lockdowns and Mr. Vid.

If you'd like one suggestion, check out my PS section below.

Stay Rebellious,


PS - Youtube is the 2nd largest search engine in the world but did you know...

You can make major bank on there, WITHOUT making any videos or being on camera?

You don't need to be a YouTuber to make a full-time income from Youtube and you can get started today. Just CLICK HERE for all the details.

You can get started 2 minutes from now.

Any questions just hit reply and I'll do my best to help you.
