Subject: Status or substance. Which are you chasing?

"If you ever have to choose between status or substance, choose substance." ~ Peter Thiel.

Peter was the founder of PayPal and the first investor in Facebook to say he's made a few bucks is an understatement.

His quote has me contemplating 🤔.

"Am I building our business in a way that we're focusing on status or substance?"

In the past, I noticed I was chasing status.

We all do it.

We want our friends to think we're doing great.

We want to show that girl or guy we had a crush on back in school that we're the shyt now.

Don't get me wrong those things can feel cool but they're shallow and useless in the grand scheme of things.

There's no real upside.

It's useless ego-stroking for our fragile insecurities.

Everyone is doing it, take a look at any social media app.

People spend hours taking selfies or pics at the club for likes and followers.

News flash!!

You can't cash in likes at the bank.

Even if you're not on social media doing it, think hard enough and chances are you posture in some other way.

Have you ever made your job title sound more prestigious than it actually is? When in reality you hate it and can't wait to be free?

You make it sound super fancy so you look more successful than you actually are.

You say you're a "Administrative Communication Mediator" when you're a receptionist.

Like I said I have shaken off the feeling of wanting to prioritise status. I want substance and freedom over everything now.

Analyze yourself and grow from it.

I'm sure you can extract some value out of the email you just read.

Anyway on to bizness.

If you're still not getting the results you want online, tap the link below to find the details on how to change that.

Be rebellious,

Jouvan "random rantings" Johnson
