Subject: Sorry for the sleepy mistakes


I just woke up from a mid day snnooze and stumbled into the office and began to write.

Blurry vision and all.

I don't even think I will proof read this and instead just get it out. That's the reason for the subject line apology.

I had a horrible nights sleep last night. I would be surprised if I even got 2 quality hours.

I've had a headache all day and struggled to find focus.

So while putting my son to nap I thought I would try and steal a cheeky nap myself.

It was very much needed.

And it made me think, "how fortunate am I?"

I could nap every day if I want to because I have done the work upfront to free up my time and fire my boss.

You may not want to nap during the day, but how amazing would it be to have the choice.

That's what I work for, to have the choice to do what I want when I want with whom I want.

Even if that's a nap with my 2 year old son.

If you're serious about learning how I did it, then click here to watch THIS VIDEO for all the details.

That's all for now.

Stay rebellious,

