Subject: She slapped the crap outta me 🥺

I don't know how to put this...

It was my wife.

When I got into bed last night she beat the dog shyt outta me.

Verbally of course!

We only get physical in the adult consenting fun way around here 😉

It was totally my fault. She was acting out of love and frustration but I didn't want to hear it.

She was annoyed that I seem to be too hard on myself and it started to piss her off.

She doesn't like anyone being mean to her husband not even her husband himself.

I didn't think I was being mean.

I was just dishing out some tough love and stating some home truths in areas I believe I could improve.

She didn't see it that way.

She said I was focused on all the wrong things. Missing all the amazing things I've accomplished.

In utter frustration she said...

"Look at our life. You don't have a boss, I no longer need to do clients, we have a beautiful home, the fridge is stocked, and your family is happy.

YOU did that!

You had a vision for your life and family and you're accomplishing it.

And you're not chubby so SHUT UP I've had enough"

OK, damn girl. Chill. (I thought this, I did not say it).

Thank you, I love you. (I did say this).

She put me in my place.

I tell you this to remind you to be nicer to yourself. Don't focus on what you haven't done yet but look at how far you've come.

Just work on getting that little bit better each day.

And if you want to create a boss-free existence like us, then THIS PROGRAM will help you do just that.

All you need is the ability to follow instructions and work hard.

You got this,

Jouvan "got told off by his wife" Johnson

PS - I haven't emailed you in a while but I'm on a new mission so you will be hearing from me a lot more.

Remember to CLICK HERE if you're ready to make bank online.
