Subject: She cried her way to a million-dollar YouTube channel?

Here’s how a 7-year-old girl cried her way to a million-dollar YouTube channel.

But it’s not what you think

Imagine the scenario…

You walk in on your wife consoling your daughter as she bawls her eyes out.

She’s distraught.

Your heart sinks.

“What happened to my little girl?”

You find out it’s because she hates her natural hair.

You know it’s beautiful.

But at that moment all you can do is hug her.

Tell her how amazing she is and how beautiful her hair is.

But how do you make her believe it?

That’s exactly what Dr Javoris Hollingsworth set out to do.

Spoiler alert, he did just that and so much more.

I’ll reveal how in a moment.

But first, let me tell you a quick back story…

In June 2020 at the height of the global pandemic, Javoris was working from home along with his wife and 3 kids.

Being at home he saw what educational content his kids watched on YouTube.

Even though a lot of it was great.

He made a glaring discovery.

The major lack of diversity.

Nothing looked like his daughter.

He wondered if this played a role in her not seeing her natural hair as beautiful.

Javoris believes it’s important for kids to see themselves in the programs they watch.

It’s important for their self-confidence and self-esteem.

They need to know they matter just as much as anyone else.

They need to know they’re beautiful just the way they are.

Rather than moaning that only 5.6% of cartoons show black kids he made the change he wanted to see in the world.

With his then 7-year-old daughter Graceyn, they launched the YouTube channel, Gracie's Corner.

Which as of now has racked up 3.33 Million subscribers and over 2.5 BILLION views.

The “little” dad-daughter project that aimed to educate and empower kids like his (and mine). Now banks big while making a difference.

I've written a full deep dive on my blog here if you want to check it out.

But for now. If you love entrepreneurial stories like these and what to start creating your own story of success.

This is my #1 recommendation for fast results.

If you have any questions, just give me a shout.

Rebel against mediocrity,

