Subject: She called me crying...

To be specific.

"I called Jouvan up crying..."

Was the subject line my wife used in her email yesterday.

I was super proud, it was a good one and I knew it would get a lot of opens from our list on that side of the business.

Everyone loves a good story and she pulled us right into the middle of one.

It conjures up an image and so many questions in your mind.

Why was she crying, what happened, was there a positive end to the story?

As marketers storytelling is one of our most powerful tools and well worth studying.

Another is building curiosity.

And giving your audience blue balls until they act on an action you want them to take. Like buying your product or clicking a link to get the payoff.

So if you want to know why Chantelle called me crying you'll have to watch this YouTube video.

She's the one on the left being interviewed.

All the best,


Here's that link one more time:
