Subject: School phucked you up

I remember when my younger brother was petrified to make a mistake.

Back in school he totally stopped answering questions and in fact, he gave up trying altogether.

His fear of getting the answer wrong robbed him of the confidence to even attempt.

And it was all the schooling system's fault.

Think back to school. How were you made to feel if you made a mistake?

You may have gotten in trouble,

"You should know this by now, if you don't get your act together you will amount to nothing".

Your parents may have been told that you were not up to the standard and you would get in trouble with them.

You may have been made to look silly in front of the class because you got a question wrong publicly.

No one want's to be embarrassed.

But mistakes should be celebrated. You're making mistakes because you're trying and you learn what doesn't work.

Failure is the building block of success.

I once heard the quote...

“The master has failed more times than the beginner has even tried.”

So don't fear making a mistake or failing. It's exactly what needs to happen and are the blocks that build the path to your goals.

So go out there and experiment, take the leap and celebrate your mistakes because it may just be a sign that you are taking another step closer to your goal.

If starting and growing an internet business that can replace your wage is a goal of yours.

Then that is something I am able to help with.

Use the link below to get all the information and let's get started.

Stay rebellious,


PS - My brother no longer fears making mistake's he actively seeks new challenges and loves to learn, grow and smash the goals he sets for himself.
