Subject: Ruth accidentally made over 37 million. Here's how...


One day Ruth checked her bank account as we all do.

But on this day she got a surprise.

When she logged in, she saw a little more than expected.

Somehow Ruth received an extra $37 Million in her account. She instantly tried to open a chat with the bank to see what was going on but the chat feature had closed for the day.

She then messaged a screenshot of the money to her husband to see if he had any idea about what was going on.

He didn't.

She then rang the bank to enquire further.

They didn't know either but with further digging...

It turns out a bank teller had accidentally entered an account number into the deposit section of Ruth's account.

That is how they found their mistake and took the money back.

Now I can't say I would be as quick as Ruth to hunt down the source of my newfound wealth.

I would let it sit there for a little while before touching it to see what happens.

It could just be a blessing from God and who am I to turn that down ;)

What would you d in that situation?

Stay Rebellious,


PS - If you're not as lucky as Ruth to accidentally get a major windfall of generational wealth into your account then my very affordable 90-day coaching BootCamp may come in handy.

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See you inside.
