Subject: Ripped stitches and quotes

Every so often I enjoy checking out those memories Facebook shows you. Its old status updates and pictures.

The one from today, I posted 10 years ago.

This status update is not the point of the email (I'll get to that one in a moment) but I thought I would share this story anyway.

"So my mum came out of the hospital last night after an operation and just a moment ago I hear her screaming upstairs. I think something may have happened to rip her stitches open.

I instantly burst into a sprint and smacked my knee into the wall in the process to run upstairs to see if she was OK!..

I rush into her bedroom and see her screaming...

But she's not screaming in pain. She's screaming at the laptop because her friend can't hear her on skype"

Firstly, I was relieved because she was ok, but that emotion was quickly followed by annoyance with the added pain from a busted knee.

I just closed her door and limped back downstairs.

But the real reason for this email was the second memory from 7 years ago. It was a quote I posted...

"Any man who reads too much and uses his own brain too little falls into lazy habits of thinking"

That resonated with me because oftentimes I have found myself searching for books and courses to solve every problem I encounter.

It's good to a point but as the quote says, it's easy to fall into a lazy habit of not thinking for yourself, which in the long run is very detrimental.

You get dependent on other people's thoughts and opinions rather than your own.

You become the equivalent of a mental newborn that's 100% reliant on its parents, rather than an adult tapping into your own God-given talent and genius.

It was a profound quote for me so I thought I would share it with you.

That being said...

If you'd like to tap into your own creative genius to build a freedom business then my Replace Your Wage 90-day Bootcamp gives you the framework you need.

You'll also have direct access to me to help you at every step of the way.

Just CLICK HERE right now to get all the details.

I'll not be telling you what to think. I will give you a framework on how to think for yourself and profit from YOUR own genius.

If you have any questions just hit reply and I'll get back to you.

Stay Rebellious,

