Subject: Rat shit can do what?

"A single rat dropping can ruin a pot of porridge."

I love the above metaphor.

It's the same as:

"one bad apple can spoil the whole bunch"

But I prefer the rat one.


Because of the image, it paints in your mind.

In your mind's eye, you can see a rat squatting over your freshly cooked porridge pot and dumping a nice long steamy turd in it.

It makes it more memorable.

It's one of the things I enjoy about writing.

It can make you feel something or see something.

All with words on a page or screen.

The best thing is that this is a learnable skill.

And as you learn you can profit from it daily.

This is what one of my favourite marketers does.

He's a 6 foot 5 hairy and scruffy-looking Yorkshire man.

If you met him in person you would never guess he makes 6 figures online working only 3 hours a day.

All from writing simple emails like the one you're reading.

Never jumping on camera or using social media.

His name's Tony and you can get his full 6 figure blueprint for free by CLICKING HERE

You won't be disappointed.

Go grab it now. It's FREE after all.

All the best,

