Subject: Only you know the answer to this question


Now, don't bullsh*t yourself.

Answer honestly.

You haven't got to reply to me. Just answer honestly to yourself.

Here's the question...

Are you actually trying your best?

Only you know the answer.

Are you really giving it your all, in every way, every day? Or are you cutting corners, being lazy and not pushing yourself?

Only you know if you're giving your absolute best to the things you say you want.

If you got rid of fear, doubt and laziness what could you accomplish?

Only you know the answer.

If deep down you know you've consistently given every ounce of yourself for a consistent period of time towards your vision for your ideal future then you can hold your head high and continue your mission.

If you know you don't give your best ALL THE TIME then you should feel ashamed of yourself.

You say you want one thing but you let your excuses, laziness and fear rob you of your dreams.

Don't be a coward.

Get up and fight for what you know you can achieve and never give up the fight.

What's the alternative?

Live a life of mediocrity like 95% of the population until you die?

Then it's...


No, thank you.

If you're anything like me, a life of forever mediocrity sounds like hell on earth. There's no way I will ever quit pursuing the visions and goals I have set for myself.

Life is like a game and every challenge is just a new level to beat.

Join me on an epic quest!

Read the above free guide, watch the free training and do something great.

Be rebellious,

