Subject: Only 5 years to live 😳

A good friend shared this with me.

It's a thought exercise she does. Give it a try.

Imagine for a second you only have 5 years to live.

Morbid I know. But stay with me...

Would you continue living life the way you currently do?

It's a long enough timeframe so you still need to earn a living but also short enough so you start to rethink things.

Would you continue to take shit from that boss you hate? Or would you tell them to take the shit they spew and shove it back up their rectum hole until it comes out their throat?

Would you let go of the fear stopping you from going after the life you really want?

Would you say "f**k it" and be your most authentic self and live your most authentic life?

Really think about this!

None of us know how long we have left in this mortal realm.

It could be 50 years, but it could also be only 3.

This isn't a dress rehearsal.

Right now is the only go on this rollercoaster called life you got. There's no do-over.

You shouldn't be wasting your life hating your everyday. You shouldn't be wishing your days away waiting for the weekend or your next holiday.

I'm "lucky" enough to have created the life I would continue to live if I only had 5 years left.

And you can do the same.

The internet can give you the freedom to do what you want when you want while getting paid to do so.

I'll even show you exactly how I did. Click here now to see.

You can design a life you love and get paid to live it.

It's more achievable now than ever before and I'm willing to help you every step of the way.

Stay rebellious,


Here is that link again. CLICK HERE!
