Subject: Not even Trump can stop this

Now I couldn't give a flying dog turd about your political position so get outta hear "wid dat shyt" I'm here for munney, marketing and freedom

And this amazing thing called the internet can give you all 3

There is not one person on earth, president, queen or dictator that can stop you. No matter their opinions or views.

You might think they can because of what you see or hear on the news.

I don't even watch the news because it's negative 99.9% with each media outlet pushing their own opinionated propaganda, shaping your mind each day.

Most of the information that you're consuming is laced with a huge dollop of BS just for your brain numbing pleasure

Have you ever come away from watching the news and felt happy about life?

Chances are you came away feeling sad (coronavirus killing people), angered (about murders that should have never happened), fearful (of terrorism) and I could go on

You never turn over the news feeling fulfilled and excited about life but it's the way the majority like to start their day and end their evening

If you keep thinking and acting like the average person, what sort of results can you expect from life?

Average results.

"Holy crap Jouvan reel it in what's the F*%$ing point of this rant"

Sorry I got a little carried away there, lol

The point I am trying to get across is that no matter your race, religion, sexual preference, gender, age etc

The internet can give you your freedom and munney

Think about it...

When you buy something on Amazon or eBay or almost any eCommerce store, over 90% of the time you have no idea who the seller is

I find it funny that KKK members have probably filled the pockets of minorities by buying from them unknowingly online or homophobic's getting products made by homosexuals

I always play with the idea of creating a store selling racist memorabilia to neo Nazis.

Stay with me here...

I will make an absolute killing because I am sure this is a rabid market. I would then take the profits and donate it to charities helping minority groups

The point is, the internet doesn't discriminate (You don't ever have to reveal who you are unless you want to)

If you have a solution to someones problem that they are willing to pay for then go put that in front of them and make bank

If you have something people are already spending munney to get their hands on then get it in front of them,

Make it cheaper than your competitors or a better quality version

There is no one that can stop you from getting the results you want online

This is a new age and a new world

Those of us who can use the internet effectively to create the life we want will win

The time is NOW don't let it pass you by. If you haven't started yet or don't know how then...

Start the steps in the training at the link below. (I will be there to help you every step of the way)

Don't let this pass you by.

Jouvan Johnson


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