Subject: Nearly bankrupt to $19.3 Million in 24 hours

I'm talking about Ye,


Kanye West.

He was 2 months away from bankruptcy after all his controversial shenanigans. But he turned it around.

His team splashed out $7 Million for a 30-second ad slot at this year's Super Bowl.

They had no money left to produce the actual commercial. So, Ye whipped out his phone and recorded himself in the back of a car.

$0 production cost.

He didn't care about professional lighting or a perfect script.

He just got it done.

One take.

Here's exactly what he said in the "commercial"...

"Hey y'all, this is Ye and this is my commercial … (my team) spent all the money on the commercial spot (so we) actually didn't spend any money on the actual commercial.

But the idea is I want you to go to Imma write it at the bottom of the screen … and I got some shoes, and ummmm … that's it."

This short no budget commercial stood out like a fart in study hall next to the other high-production ads.

Kanye zigged while everyone zagged.

His ad generated 284,357 orders for Yeezy, totalling $19.3 million in sales in less than 24 hours.

And because his ad was so different to everything else it was a sensation on social media.

I'm writing about it now and other creators are making videos and blog posts about it.

The ad went way past the Super Bowl.

How you can Zig, while everyone Zags in your industry?


Rebel against conformity,


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