Subject: My mother called me out 😔

So my mum has started her online business.

She's been going through my course and getting great results. I've been keeping her accountable with her email marketing strategy.

But then...

The unthinkable happened!

As I went to leave my childhood home yesterday (we visited for dinner) she turned to me and said:

"Jouvan, what about you? I haven't seen your emails!"

The sass, the audacity, the cahones on the woman.

I'm meant to be the mentor, how dare you hold me accountable.

I'm obviously joking. She's been holding me accountable from the days I was shitting on myself and my only words were "goo goo gaa gaa".

But she had a point.

My mind went to:

  • I'm re-building the app for our niche membership community

  • I'm designing a new website, sales funnel, and members area for that same brand.

  • We just started offering advertising space in our podcast and I'm designing an ad placement strategy for our other channels.

  • I'm just finalising a commission deal with a start-up and seeing if there is a fit for me to be the marketing director for the business.

  • I'm planning a wedding

  • And so much more...

Mum did try to give me some leeway by saying:

"To be fair, I only have to send my email, you have a lot of other things going on"

That's the beautiful motherly softy in her.

But she was 100% right to call me out.

You can either have RESULTS or EXCUSES! You can't have both.

And everything I wrote above was nothing more than excuses. Yes, they're all true but there are no two ways about it they're still excuses.

I have major plans for Educated Rebel, I have a whole suite of products in mind to help you succeed online and I have plans for an epic referral program where you can earn by just giving away my free report.

Look out for those coming soon.

Especially since mum just verbally kicked me up the ass.

I too need to be held accountable and execute if I want the results.

You can either have RESULTS or EXCUSES! You can't have both.

So thanks mum for pulling me up on my BS.

Love you, (she will read this)


PS - If you want to live a happier more fulfilled life then check out my mum's business by CLICKING HERE

Her name is Laurice by the way. Here's that link again...
