Subject: Motivation lacking today?

What if you're not feeling motivated today?

What do you do?

Do you wait for motivation to slap you in the face before you get started?


Motivation is too fleeting. You can't rely on it. It's like a deadbeat dad. In and out. Never consistent in your life.

Here is how you hack motivation to have it anytime you need it.

You have to act first!

Sounds simple right? But it's true.

It's a cycle.

Sometimes you get struck by motivation. Then you get to work and while working motivation rises then you do more work.

But if motivation hasn't struck then you need to kickstart the wheel by getting to work first.

When you start (even when not feeling like it) motivation will join the party and the whole cycle will begin.

Do the work.

Take the first, smallest step.

Go to the gym for only 3 mins. Write one sentence of the email. Make one sales call.

The work will bring the motivation.

Take the step forward and motivation will follow.

Be rebellious,


PS - If you want something productive to start acting on now.

Take a look at my 90 days to freedom action plan.

You'll get all the details by CLICKING HERE!

Any questions, give me a shout.

See you there.
