Subject: Let's have a chat - Real talk! 📞

In the famous words of Slim Shady...

"You wanna battle? You beat around the bush
Like you're scared to lick [MEOW] so you eat around the tush"

I aint trying to battle anyone but I aint beating around the bush either.

I created the Educated Rebel Society because I truly want to help people!

I see too much BS peddled and pushed out there daily. So what I want to do is jump on a call with you 1 to 1 and see where you're at with your online bizness and if I can help to point you in the right direction.

No this is not a sales pitch camouflaged as a consultation call, I'm not going to try to sell you a coaching program, I'm not trying to sell you anything at all on the call.

It's a genuine call to see where you're at and give pure value.

"So whats the catch?" I hear you ask...

Well selfishly, the better I understand my audience, the better I can serve them and the more results I can get them.

And the better your results, the longer you want to stay a part of the rebellion and that will subsequently earn me more income in the long run thus helping me feed my family.

Its a win win for all.

So what do you need to do to book a call with me?

Just respond to this email with a few days and time you're free and we will get something booked it.


Alternatively if you just want to get my full training head over to the link below for details.

Any chat soon,

Jouvan "Head Rebel" Johnson

ChanVan Publishing LTD, Office 16, Devonshire House, Aviary Court, Wade Road, RG24 8PE, Basingstoke, United Kingdom
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