Subject: Lessons from murdered mum, living double life

I recently read an article about a not so sweet mum of the night...


"A married mother who was murdered while leading a double life on an adult website was spotted in a liquor store buying absinthe and whiskey eight hours before she died.

Kathleen West was seen on surveillance footage, visiting R&R Wine and Liquor accompanied by a man believed to be her husband, the night before she was killed. It was the last time she was seen alive.

The following morning, on January 13, a neighbour found the 42-year-old lying face down, in just a sports bra and bleeding from the head next to her cell phone and a bottle of Lucid absinthe.


"Gahlee" that's a crime mystery if I ever did see one...

Did the husband do it in a fit of rage after finding out about her double life?

Was it a disgruntled client fuelled on alcohol and hard drugs?

Or was it a secksual act gone wrong and the other person panicked, dumped the body and fled?

We won't know any time soon.

But the story made me reflect on the fact that there are many marketers out there are living double lives too.

Some claim they're making meelions upon meelions of the green stuff sitting on the beach sipping COCKtails. When in reality they're stuck in front of the computer 19 hours a day making less than minimum wage

Or worse they're selling you a program to do one thing when they're doing the complete opposite because the method is outdated or plain garbage

That's why my first ever mentor told me not to just buy what people are selling, instead look at what they are actually DOING and how they are selling you.

You will see people launching a new product every few weeks with the latest and greatest internet kyash hack

But they're not making their munney with that hack

They're making there dollaz from selling that hack to you

Open your eyes and see what is actually going on

Don't be the victim anymore. You're in my tribe now, It's time you rise up!

And start doing the key actions that will lead to the results you're after.

Click the link below for full details and I will see you there.

Chat to you tomorrow



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