Subject: Lesson's From Kim K's Butt?

What can we learn from the world's most famous poop shoot?

Yes, I've had Kim Kardashian's butt on my mind and how powerful it has been.

It holds a strong marketing message

Don't judge me just read on...

Kim K's ASS'ets (see what I did there?) has helped make her an absolute fortune.

She has clearly used what has come "naturally" (surgically) to her and aligned her business around it.

capitalising on the rumors of it being real or not

The ass angle photo shoots, the bikini bum pics on social media, etc

At almost every opportunity she does whatever she can to stay in the public eye and sell more of her products.

So my question to you is...

Have you aligned your bizness with your personality, strengths and best assets?

If you are not a people person why do something where you have to talk to people all-day or if you're no good on video don't start a Youtube channel

Each day I work towards aligning my bizness with my strengths and my personality

I like to write you these emails so I make email a focus in my bizness

Anyway, that's just some food for thought.

While you figure out what your strengths are follow the link below to copy the campaigns of this 67 figure affiliate.

Jouvan "Butt Man" Johnson
