Subject: Just get on with it

Yeah, you know exactly what I'm talking about.

That thing you've been putting off. You have no real reason not to just get it done right now.

Your brain is lying to you.

All those excuses you just told yourself are complete BS and you know it.

Are you going to allow yourself to be fooled once again?

Go make a step forward on the thing you've been putting off.

I promise you, you'll be thankful you did.

The resistance you're feeling right now proves to me that we both know you should've done it already.

But, you've been mentally weak.

This is your sign to get up off your ass and get it done.


What are you waiting for?


You're still here, aren't you? You're allowing the "excuses" to win.

Your brain's convincing you that the excuses are valid and really important, isn't it?

You and I know the truth.

Sometimes it's good to rebel against even our own mind.


PS - I don't even know if I should put this here. You'll probably make up some "valid" excuses as to why you can't do it now, why you can't follow the steps exactly or why it won't work for you.

But you know what let me try something.

DO NOT CLICK HERE! (If you want to continue on a mediocre path)

See you tomorrow.
