Subject: I've stopped trying to be happy

This isn't going to work for everyone.

Like the subject line said...

I've stopped trying to be happy.

Sounds strange coming from a guy who worked his ass off to quit his 9-5 so that he can do whatever he wants when he wants with who he wants.

I built a digital freedom business to be happy right?

Well yes.

But there's a problem with just aiming to be happy.

If every day you only go for happiness you won't do what's needed.

You're not always going to feel happy about..

  • Eating healthy

  • Working on your business

  • Going to the gym

  • Studying to improve your skills

  • Contacting your accountant

  • Paying for software etc

If you only did those things when you were "happy" about doing them. They would hardly ever get done if ever done at all.

I'd be very happy sitting on the sofa watching Anime and action movies all day.

Rotating dinners of Chinese, Jamaican, Indian, Thai and Italian each night always washed down with 2 warm triple choc Belgian cookies topped with caramel chew chew ice cream for dessert.

That would make me super happy each night but I don't think long term it would be very good for me.

The emotion I aim for each day above happiness is...


Upon waking I ask myself.

"How can I be proud of myself today".

I'm proud of myself when I do the necessary things, I'm proud when I do what I say I'm going to do.

I'm proud when I do the hard things I have been putting off. I'm proud when I'm a fully attentive father. I'm proud when I'm trying to be the best possible husband I can.

And when I feel proud of myself I am ultimately happy and at peace.

Just something for you to think about.

What can you do today to make yourself proud?

Be rebellious. Join the rebellion

You got this.


PS - Here's a free training that will show you how to tap into a 12-billion buck industry using short 5-second videos.

Just click here to watch it. It's free.
