Subject: I've been scammed and cheated... What now?

A subscriber writes...


"I’ve been at this since Dec 2016 and have spent a lot of money trying systems, I’ve been lied to, mislead, scammed and cheated. I’ve sat through ClickBank university, Aspire, [Name removed]'s training and more. Many have asked me to beta test and I’ve agreed yet none have gotten me access or followed through and got me working.

My credit card is maxed out now cause I’ve receive no deposits in my efforts. Even though many say I have funds due me. Are you gonna mentor me get me going and earning funds? Or do I keep searching? I know money can be made on the internet and I’ll keep at it till I succeeded"


Here's my response...


"I'm sorry to hear that it's been so challenging for you but I've seen a lot of people have the same issue.

I'm here to mentor you, I'm not saying it is going to be easy but I'll be beside you every step of the way. 

I'm not pushing you into any program or offer. I'm here to help you get results with something you control and if you decide to leave you still have control over your online business.

There's a lot of BS in the industry and I want to work closely and help anyone who follows me and is willing to put in the work.

I'm a real human that just read your message and not looking to hide behind my computer. 

My video tells you all about what you'll be learning. It's simple (but takes effort).

I hope that helps"


If I'm honest I may have been too nice in hindsight.

I think I scared him off with the idea of actually having to do some work.

I know for a fact if he followed the training in some of the programmes he mentioned and worked hard he would have seen success.

He wanted the easy path.

He wanted money to magically appear because he bought the product.


It doesn't work like that.

Money is just a transfer of value. He wanted to take value and didn't want to give any in exchange.

What about you?..

Are you scared of work?

Are you looking for kyash to fall out the sky and slap you on the head after you purchase a product?

If you are, you're going to be waiting a long time.

But, if you understand that you actually have to get off your backside and do something.

Then head on over to the link below for full details on how I can help.

See you on the inside if you're actually ready for results.



ChanVan Publishing LTD, Office 16, Devonshire House, Aviary Court, Wade Road, RG24 8PE, Basingstoke, United Kingdom
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