Subject: Is this the easiest business idea ever?


Yesterday I came across a super simple business that I estimate takes the founder probably 2- 3 hours a week max to run.

And it is her full-time gig.

She charges $10 a month for members to get the privilege of receiving a positive quote each and every day in their email inbox.

She finds an interesting/uplifting quote online then heads over to (a free image editing tool) copies and pastes the quote onto a pretty image, then sends it out.

That's it.

Just 300 members and she's banking $3K a month.

To grow it she could run a 30-day free trial. Collecting credit card details at checkout but only bill them after 30 days.

Her whole focus would be on giving away as many free trials as possible. There is hardly any cost to run this business so she can comfortably give give give.

Yes, a lot of people will cancel but on the flip side many people will stay and she will just continue to grow her monthly income.

Say she can successfully give away 10 FREE trials a day from creating content, sharing in FaceBook groups, using social media etc

Over the course of the year if she just gave away 10 trials a day 5 days a week (took weekends off) that would be 2,600 trials.

Now say 60% of the people who took the trial cancelled. You would still be left with 1,040 monthly paying members (the remaining 40%).

That's $10,400 per month income from putting pretty quotes together using a free image tool.

The possibility to scale is endless.

If you pair the right idea, with the right offer, and the correct know-how you could transform your life in just 90 days.

That's what I aim to help you do in my 90-day Replace Your Wage Coaching Bootcamp.

Click the link to get all the details.

If you have any questions, hit reply and I'll get back to you.

Stay rebellious,

Here's that link one more time:

